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Requirements & Hints.

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Requirements & Hints. Empty Requirements & Hints.

Post by Jules Wed Oct 27, 2010 8:31 pm

This is the first point at which boats and poles can be damaged. Wranglers need the mini cruiser to travel here. Remember to keep an eye on fuel usage, wranglers!
Prepare for a lengthy stay here, as there is a substantial point requirement, as well as the need to have at least attracted two Volcano fish using a specific pole, before you can move on.....

I do hope you've found or created a night fishing party by now....

Tip: Once Magma Reef is open, use it to travel between the islands - it will substantially cut your travel time, and may well help with a certain scroll...

Number of posts : 81
Location : Wales, UK
Registration date : 2008-09-29

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