Mousehunters Inc.
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Requirements & Hints.

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Requirements & Hints. Empty Requirements & Hints.

Post by Jules Tue Oct 26, 2010 5:11 pm

Hunters of Legendary status may enter here upon finding the Keeper's candle, but beware, the gates to the Grove may find a hunter trapped between realms!
Hunters are advised to upgrade their traps as far as possible, as well as finding goodly stocks of Ancient cheese before venturing this far.

Be warned, hunters, once the gates are closed behind you here, and upon capturing the Realm Ripper Mouse, you will be transported to another Realm entirely. A hunter is advised to seek out the magical Runes dropped here, for they will be of much use in the next Realm....

Number of posts : 81
Location : Wales, UK
Registration date : 2008-09-29

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