Mousehunters Inc.
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Requirements & Hints.

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Requirements & Hints. Empty Requirements & Hints.

Post by Jules Tue Oct 26, 2010 5:21 pm

Hunters of Legendary status holding a Keepers Candle may be found here.

Be advised, you may not travel to this location, you can only enter through the Forbidden Grove, once the gates have closed behind you and you have trapped a Realm Ripper Mouse. You may choose to remain here, or travel away from the Grove area, though you may not re-enter the Grove until the gates reopen.
To trap the greatly feared Acolyte who dwells in this place, a hunter must travel overseas first, to find the parts necessary in crafting the trap to hold this mouse...

Good luck hunters, I fear you will need it here!

Number of posts : 81
Location : Wales, UK
Registration date : 2008-09-29

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