Mousehunters Inc.
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Requirements & Hints.

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Requirements & Hints. Empty Requirements & Hints.

Post by Jules Tue Oct 26, 2010 5:48 pm

Recently discovered by Lord and Lady hunters holding Zugzwang's Scarf, the Seasonal Garden found a new hunting experience - including new weather patterns. Each Season brings out its own mice, and one mouse from each season holds a shard. All of the shards will enable hunters to craft a key giving entry to that locked tower over there.....

Also notice hunters, that new bar - the Tower Amplifier - on your page? I advise you not to travel to the Tower unless you have filled that bar!

Hunters are able to puchase traps here that may help their progress, as well as blueprints for several new traps and bases. Choose carefully and wisely, if at all hunter, and if you're going to faint, please try not to fall on the other bodies!

Number of posts : 81
Location : Wales, UK
Registration date : 2008-09-29

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