Mousehunters Inc.
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Requirements & Hints.

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Requirements & Hints. Empty Requirements & Hints.

Post by Jules Tue Oct 26, 2010 3:33 am

Grandmasters with the Stitched Furoma Map Piece may hunt here.

Only three mice reside in the Pinnacle Chamber - Hapless, Master of the Dojo and Dojo Sensei. You may only hunt for the Sensei once you've proven your worth against the Dojo Master, for only he will drop the necessary loot to craft the preferred cheese of the Sensei - Onyx Marbled Gorgonzola!
Master of the Dojo can only be caught with the crafted Rumble cheese, made up with shards dropped by the Masters downstairs, so make sure you caught enough!

Number of posts : 81
Location : Wales, UK
Registration date : 2008-09-29

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